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How much would you like to invest?
1. Please answer the questions that you believe best represent your situation. If you are not sure about your investment experience and risk tolerance, please hover over the "?" symbols for further information and guidance. 2. Enter an amount under the "How much would you like to invest?" heading. Enter an amount under the "How much would you like your portfolio to be worth when you start needing the money?" heading. 3. We will calculate and display your customized portfolio to the right showing your asset allocation, key performance data over the last 3 years and a brief explanation of this portfolios goals. 4. Click "See Your Portfolio". 5. Need Help? Call us at 1-866-990-3837 and ask to speak to an investment advisor.
We want you to understand investment fees and learn how to keep them low. If your account is under $25,000, we recommend that you consider opening a SogoTrade Asset Management managed account with commission free trades. If you intend to manage and rebalance the assets by doing the work yourself then we recommend using a broker that minimizes your trading fees. we offer portfolios specifically designed for these online brokers so that you can save on commissions as a Do-It-Yourself investor when you buy and rebalance your portfolio.
Are you sure you want to create a portfolio with less goal amount than initial amount?
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